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Basic Healthy Eating Tips

About 4 years ago, I started eating healthier. I mainly did it to improve my mood. I can tell you, it really helps. Food effects your physical health as well as mental health. Often we overlook how important our mental health is. Eating healthier can give you that boost that you need. If you want to start eating healthier, I'd love to share some basic tips with you.


You don't have to throw out all your snacks and stop eating everything you love. The most important thing to remember at all times is to do everything in moderation. It applies to everything in life really, but with eating this is the key to feeling and looking better.

Food Groups

When you eat, try to look at how much you eat of every food group. If you have a plate, it should be half filled with vegetables and fruits, a quarter grains and a quarter protein. Make sure you eat enough fruits and vegetables, because those contain the most vitamins and minerals. You don't have to measure out everything, but keep an eye out on those lazy days where you just want to snack all day. If you're not sure in what food group a product is categorized, look it up!


When you go to the store, pick the healthier options! I know it sounds easier then it's done, but it is important. What you buy is what you eat. If you buy an unhealthy snack, don't assume you'll save it for someday, because you know it won't last long. Prepare a shopping list at home, so you know what to focus on. Eat something healthy before you do your shopping. Studies have shown that eating something healthy before shopping influences the choices you make in the grocery store. Switch unhealthy snack for healthier ones. For example, buy popcorn to pop at home instead of candy.


If you feel like eating something that you know is unhealthy, look up a recipe for a healthy version. Most unhealthy foods have a healthier version. If you want to eat pizza, make a gluten free vegetable pizza at home. If you feel like eating donuts, bake some whole wheat donuts at home. If you buy processed foods in a store, they often have unknown, unhealthy ingredients. If you make food at home, you have the control of what goes in your body.

Always remember, the choice is in your hands. You can choose what you eat. Food has a big influence on your physical and mental health. Think before you make a decision. And don't feel guilty when you eat something unhealthy. Food is just food.

Stay healthy and happy,


*This article is simply to help. My knowledge is from what I have read and learned over the past years. I have not studied this, I am not a professional dietitian.


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