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Love Language Dates

Love Heart

Love language. We've all heard of it. But in case you forgot...

Love language is the way you give or receive love. There are 5 different kinds: words of affection, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. Being aware of what your love language can improve your relationship and understanding of yourself or your partner.

So inspired by the romantic vibes of Valentines Day and these love languages, I have some date suggestions. I am always on a budget, so these dates are simple and cheap (but not in the annoying creepy cheap way). You can find out what love language you use and try one of the dates, or just do them all! Never hold back on loving the people you care about!

1. Words of Affection

On your date night, enjoy a simple dinner together. Discuss what you love about each other. Afterwards, take some paper and pens. Write down an ABC of likes. Simply start by A and write down a word beginning with the letter A. The word can be a quality or trait, or anything they do which you love about them. Then go on to B, C, D, et cetera. It sound simple and boring, but give it a try! I have done it and it is fun!

2. Quality Time

One way I enjoy spending quality time is by going out for a hike. Being outside, away from the busy daily routine, gives you the possibility to think and talk freely. If you do not enjoy hiking, just go for a walk. There are lots of parks or nature reserves where you can go for free. Fresh air, nature and good company will give you a great opportunity for quality time. Maybe you will even find unexpected beauty during your adventure!

3. Receiving Gifts

Some people need to see some money flow to feel appreciated. And that is totally fine. Well thought-out gifts can be amazing. But you will need to get to know your partner before you can buy something. Find out what they like. Personalize a gift. Be thoughtful. For example, I know I like things that are pretty and useful. So Oliver bought me running shoes and a year planner. Consider the person and the right gift will come. Give your gift during a night out and your date will be awesome!

4. Acts of Service

Acts of service are the more common things. It is easy to take for granted that your wife does the dishes or that your husband cleans the car. For once, try to see the extra things your spouse does and do it for them. Do not ask if you can do something, simply do it. Take that trash out, put the dishes away, cook, clean, take the kids to school. Whatever it is, just do it. And make it a date night by cooking a nice dinner and doing the dishes. Take care of your significant other and show them you love them by actions, not words.

5. Physical Touch

Physical touch can be as easy as you make it. Simply holding hands is already touch. But you can always do more. If I have to plan a date where physical touch is the main goal, I would go dancing. That is a great way to be in touch and share time together. But do not forget the little things. Hold hands, kiss, hug, whatever you are comfortable with.

Go out and try it. It is never wrong to put a little extra energy into your date. Even if you speak a different love language then your spouse, you can still have the best relationship. Simply do your best to express your love and show you are willing to work on anything. Love never fails (1 Corinthians 13:4).

Stay happy and lovely,



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