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How To Keep Marriage As Amazing As It Is

You know how life goes. You're expected to go to school, learn, get a job, get married, settle and have kids. That's all. It sounds so boring. Why would you want to do what is expected of you?

Well, I have to be honest... In some way I am pretty traditional. I am married, as you most likely know. I did not study after high school, so we live traditional (husband works, wife stays at home). I still try to add a little, but I also enjoy doing the household jobs. But every day passes by and life goes on. Sometimes I wonder what to do to still make it feel special, instead of ordinary.

I can tell you, I do not have all the answers. I can give you some tips though.

Lately, I have found that going on a weekly date really helps. I was inspired by The Dating Divas to go out on dates. It's how you fell in love, so dating can help you to stay in love. After doing so for a few times, I noticed having that time together, trying a new experience, really makes you feel refreshed. You get to know your spouse better and feel more connected.

Surprises are one thing you need to keep going. Surprises keep blood flowing, hearts beating and lips smiling. I truly believe that surprises are a very important part to keep your marriage alive. Have a few dollars left? But those flowers! Need to leave your spouse for a while? Leave a note! Surprises don't always have to be big and overwhelming. They're there to let your spouse know how much they mean to you.

Also, I'm a big fan of Jeremy and Aubrey's blog Beating 50 Percent. They're very inspiring and I love that they started a blog about marriage. I believe that have God in your marriage is the most important thing to keep it going. Two imperfect people can never have a perfect bond, unless God is involved.

At the end of the day, there are two people in a marriage. You both need to give your all to make it work. Share how you feel, what happened and what you want in the future. Share your happiness and positivity. It isn't always easy to be dependent on someone else, but you know there is always someone who has your back. Be proud and happy about your marriage. Be determined to make it work as well as you can and to make it last forever.

Marriage is the most beautiful and holy bond of union. Honor and celebrate it!

Stay happy and healthy!



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