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One Day at a Time

'When are we eating dinner?' 'When do you want to go out?' 'Let's plan our holiday for next year!' 'We should go on a road trip next month.'

People are obsessed with planning. Always planning ahead or thinking 'what if'. The whole world is focused on the future, often without realizing. There is nothing wrong with planning ahead. But sometimes we don't think about what is going on around us.

Why not take a moment to enjoy what we have. Do you have food, water, clothing and housing? You are more blessed than you might think. Do you have the freedom to go outside in peace? Lots of people don't live in peace at this moment. Take a deep breath and think about what you have. Enjoy the wind in your hair, the food you eat and the clothes you wear.

There have been lots of studies done, showing that taking a moment to relax and pondering on the good things in life is very healthy. Staying physically healthy helps being satisfied at this point in life, according to one study. And as this study shows, gratitude is an important part of life.

Simply slowing down a little once a day to be grateful for what you have, is good for your attitude, health and relationships. You'll feel better and your positive vibes will make others feel better too!

If you're familiar with the Bible, you'll know what Matthew 6:25-34 says. Jesus tells us there that we should not worry about tomorrow, because we do not know what tomorrow brings. As long as you do the best you can today, you should not worry. Simply enjoy the time you have now, before it is gone. Enjoy what and who you have now, before it is too late. You don't want to be looking back at life and realizing you've missed out on all the great people and opportunities you already had. Enjoy today!

Stay happy, healthy and humbly,



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